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Testing, Experimenting and Justifying 

You must do 3-4 experiments on EACH for materials, equipment and manufacturing processes. Some of you experiments may be applicable to multiple garments (Eg. French seams for cottom and satin). Use must have a textile sample for each experiment.


  • Materials Experiments may include:

    • Lustre, drape, elacticity 

    • Resreach of different fabrics to deterime the most suitable

    • Cost may be a deciding factor for some materials


  • Equipment Experiements may include:

    • Most appropriate needle for free machining, embroidery, seams etc.

    • Most appropriate sewing machine 


  • Material Process Experiments may include:

    • Most suitable dyeing technique

    • Best seam to use

    • Best method of embroidery (by hand or machine) 

You should use the same format for each experiment. 


  • Aim:

    • What is the purpose of your experiement?

  • Method

    • ​The steps of your experiment. 

  • Result

    • What are the factual results. 

  • Conclusion and Justification: 

    • Explain WHY you chosen a particular material/equipment/process and HOW you modified your design or construction as a result of this experiment. 


  • Keep all your testng samples as you must neatly present them for each experiment.

  • Only doconduct the most appropriate experiments. Eg. Sun resistance is not appropriate for sleepwear. 

  • See chapter 10 in the textbook for fabric test examples and layout. 

  • You must justify your decisions and explain how you modied your design based on the results of the experiments 

Experiment Layout:

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