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Final Tips


  • This folio will take time! Set and follow a week by week timeline so you can keep on top of what needs to be completed for folio and garments. You do not want to do all this in a rush at the end. Remember it is worth THE SAME amount of marks as your garmets.

  • Think about the colour scheme of your folio. Pull out the main colours from your work, and the look/feel/emotion you want to portray throughout the folio. Try using the Adobe Colour app if you're stuck for a colour scheme.

  • The colours and fonts you choose should should enhance, not detract from your information.

  • Everything must be clear and easy to read! 

  • Keep the same headings (size/font), borders etc consistent throughout the folio. It should look cohesive. 

  • Gift wrap, ribbons and scrapbbooking materials can be very useful. You don't need to go over the top. 


Useful websites

Adobe Color- create your colour schemes. Also available as an app.

Design Seeds - colour palettes and inspirational images. My favourite! 

Polyvore - search images for inspiraion and search/create mood boards. 

Pinterest - search for inspirational images.

DaFont - mostly free, downloadable fonts.


Work hard and good luck!


Board of Studies NSW. (2013). Textiles and Design: Stage 6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies NSW.

Board of Studies NSW. (2013). Textiles and Design: Marking Guidlines Major Textile Project. Sydney: Board of Studies NSW.

Castle, C., & Peters, L. (2007). Textiles and Design: Preliminary and HSC. Cengage Learning Australia.

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