A Guidline to the HSC Major Textiles Project:
Supporting Documentation
Copyright: Michelle Gray, University of Newcastle, 2015
Final Tips
This folio will take time! Set and follow a week by week timeline so you can keep on top of what needs to be completed for folio and garments. You do not want to do all this in a rush at the end. Remember it is worth THE SAME amount of marks as your garmets.
Think about the colour scheme of your folio. Pull out the main colours from your work, and the look/feel/emotion you want to portray throughout the folio. Try using the Adobe Colour app if you're stuck for a colour scheme.
The colours and fonts you choose should should enhance, not detract from your information.
Everything must be clear and easy to read!
Keep the same headings (size/font), borders etc consistent throughout the folio. It should look cohesive.
Gift wrap, ribbons and scrapbbooking materials can be very useful. You don't need to go over the top.
Useful websites
Adobe Color- create your colour schemes. Also available as an app.
Design Seeds - colour palettes and inspirational images. My favourite!
Polyvore - search images for inspiraion and search/create mood boards.
Pinterest - search for inspirational images.
DaFont - mostly free, downloadable fonts.
Work hard and good luck!
Board of Studies NSW. (2013). Textiles and Design: Stage 6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies NSW.
Board of Studies NSW. (2013). Textiles and Design: Marking Guidlines Major Textile Project. Sydney: Board of Studies NSW.
Castle, C., & Peters, L. (2007). Textiles and Design: Preliminary and HSC. Cengage Learning Australia.