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Design Inspiration

Marks: 5 

Pages: 4xA4 or 2xA3


Marking Criteria Says: This section communicates the thought processes and overall development of the concept that occurs prior to designing, and how ideas develop or ‘snow-ball’. This is done through a combination of written text, graphical and other communication techniques, which could include illustrations and samples from various sources, and is presented in a contemporary manner. 


Click on the four boxes to learn about each section that you must have in your Design Inspiration. 



Assessment Criteria Checklist:


Relevance to focus area – the relationship of the design inspiration appropriate to the focus area must be clearly explained. 


Justification of creative and/or innovative design – thoroughly justifies particular creative and/or innovative design ideas or techniques developed from the design inspiration. 


Relationship to historical/cultural or contemporary factors – critically analyses and explains the relationship of the design inspiration to the historical/cultural or contemporary factors that have influenced the design of the item/s. 


Communication techniques to support written information – demonstrates a thorough understanding of the design inspiration through communication techniques such as collages of pictures, samples from various sources or graphical communication techniques and is presented in a contemporary manner. 




  • Use a wide variety of sources of inspiration!

  • There is a great table on page 382-383 of your textiles textbook. It provides examples how to discuss your  inspiration in relation to your focus area, creative/innovative and historical influences. Definitely read over this!

  • Make sure you set your page to A3 of A4 size. 

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